2008/7/8 - 2008/8/15
Cavin-Morris Gallery

Sabhan Adam, Soojin Cha, Keith Goodhart, Chris Hipkiss, Zdenek Kosek,Melvin Edward Nelson, Lubos Plny, Rowland Ricketts, Lidia Syroka
Cavin-Morris Gallery is pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition “New Views,Re-Views” representing a mixture of what we have been doing, with a fresh infusion of new and inspiring artists to the gallery.
Our newest arrivals include 3 contemporary artists: Soojin Cha who creates beautifully sewn, stitched and embroidered drawings that map out a colorful history of personal injuries, physical wounds and suffered pain. Also featuring, Rowland Ricketts who invents strikingly minimalistic hand-dyed indigo textiles from his own cultivated indigo plants, and using techniques honed over centuries. Lidia Syroka, reflects back to her wanderings in Tibet and Mongolia, making drawings that are tightly packed layers of sewn and distressed paper to explore the tensions of the alchemical bonding between the body and spirit.
Our selft-taught artists include Keith Goodhart, who left his urban upbringing and made his bricolage sculptures about freedom and oppression during the slow winters on his sheep ranch in Montana. Sandra Sheehy crafts an intricate and pulsing microscopic forms through her use of embroidery, beading, and thread; while Chris Hipkiss demonstrates an amazing observation of nature containing overt political tones in his uniquely provocative drawings. Sabhan Adam electrified us with his scenes of enigmatically ecstatic anger; while Zdenek Kosek and Lubos Plny worked in codes and ciphers that biologically reconfigured the logos of the world, proving to us over again that Art Brut is very much still in existence and thriving.
These artists are our peer group, their work has kept us on the path we have been traveling since 1980, in looking for the kinds of work that straddles multiple cultures and flirts with various styles of transgression. We have grown up in the same world together, they have become our friends sharing many mutual inspirations.